lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Como diseñar una PCB con Eagle desde cero

El otro día me encontré este vídeo en el que explican como diseñar una PCB con Eagle desde cero. El vídeo es un poco largo, pero merece la pena verlo con paciencia ya que he aprendido algunos trucos que no sabia:

1 comentario:

  1. Autodesk Eagle is one of the leading PCB design suits. Typically, the PCB design starts from the schematic capture. Then the footprints are linked and the traces are routed to fabricate the PCB.

    To start the PCB design in eagle, there are the basic and traditional steps that are to be done to create the schematic capture. A new project is created in the eagle design suite. A typical project folder includes schematic board file and all other necessary files like Gerber files and activity logs. Window is created under the project folder.
